This teapot is known as Ru Yi Hu, a very traditional design and most potters would have made it in their career. The clay is of good quality zisha and workmanship was superb. I did not buy it at the first instant as the shop was crowded with people interested in other items on display at the shelves.
On my second visit to the shop, I did not see it on the same shelve on display earlier. Immediately I thought that it was gone as there are people who could recognize good stuff hidden among ordinary ware. Well, in the business of collecting collectibles; if you miss it, you will miss it forever. Opportunity won't wait for someone who he is hesitating, or dare not make the move when the time is ripe. Could I have missed to own one teapot that I loved to have because of inaction that day.
Anxiously, my eyes began to scan all the shelves in the shop that carry teapots. Suddenly I saw it just placed at a shelve below partially hidden by other items. This means someone took a look at it and did not offer to buy it, that was why it was put back at a different location. It was really a relief that the teapot was still available. I asked the shop owner the price and it was way below its market value.
I bought it immediately and chatted with the owner that the pot was ideal for brewing puerh due to its size. The owner even gave me a good discount for it.
I took it home and tested the teapot with water. The flow of water through the sprout was excellent, a stream of water just flow with such strength and fluency. When I stop pouring, the flow of water just stopped and no water was seen dripping down the sprout. This is indeed an excellent piece of work, the potter must be experienced to make such a functional teapot, apart from its aesthetic appearance.
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Ruyi Hu by Gu Jingzhou |
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Potter with her Ruyi teapot |
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Before and after use |