Saturday 27 July 2013

Fan Jianrong's (范建荣) Monk's Hat

Fan Jianrong, a recently promoted senior craftsmaster of Yixing, studied Yixing craft under the tutorship of Zi Yeesoon, a national grandmaster on a provincial basis. He is known to be skillful in natural form of Yixing ware and has creativity and innovation in his work.

Alans Museum had acquired a teapot by Fan in the early 90s in an antique shop. The teapot was probably one of his early work when he was an apprentice at the factory. The teapot was modeled on a popular shape called the monk's hat, the very design originated in the Ming Dynasty by Sih Dabin, a student of the legendary Gong Chun in 1400s. However, in this teapot, there are 2 lizards lying motionlessly on the teapot as if they are waiting to catch their preys.

Senior Craftsmaster's Monk's Hat

范建荣 : 工艺美术师 1968年生于陶都宜兴,1986年考进紫砂工艺厂,1989年进研究所,1990年担任紫砂学习班的辅导老师,1996年,师从高级工艺师季益顺学艺,深得师傅精心指导,造型设计及工艺水准有了更大的提高,作品曾多次在专业性杂志上刊登。2000年作品“朝阳壶”,被香港大世界收藏...

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