Thursday 1 August 2013

Kao Haigen's (高海庚) work

Kao Haigen (高海庚), a potter who received training from Gu Zingzhou in the 1950s, was talented in all aspects of theYixing art of clay. He was active in the 60s - 70s era and often accompanied Gu Zingzhou on overseas assignments. He was assigned the tasks of training new potters, creating diversified teapot designs and opening new markets for the Yixing products. He was diligent in his work as a manager of the factory and he always took good care of the wealth fare of the workers. Unfortunately he died in December of 1985 at a very young age of 50 due mainly to overwork and stress. His teapots are scarce and highly sought after.

Alans Museum collected a teapot by Kao with the name Kao Haigen engraved at the bottom of the teapot. It is a classic shape that imitate an ancient form of Yixing teapot.
Kao Haigen's ancient shape.

高海庚(1939年~1985年12月12日)1955年进宜兴紫砂工艺品,跟随顾景舟学艺初露才华.1958年开始带领艺徒.1960年被送到中央工艺美术学院进修陶瓷设计一年,对其一生的陶艺创作产生重要的作用.1972年调到陶瓷公司生产技术工作,组织考察参加研制新品开发,聘请专家,教授讲学等,筹辨在许多地方举辨宜兴陶瓷展览,使诸多精品被收藏于北京故宫博物馆.1979回到宜兴紫砂厂,从事设计并负责生厂生产技术工作.创作<<集玉壶>>,<<扁作提梁壶>>,<<北瓜提梁壶>>,<<双龙提梁壶>>,<<水浪壶>>等表论文<<艺壶的继承与创新>>.1982年赴日本爱知系等地作陶瓷技术考察.回国后开始在前途充满信心,吸引海内外收藏家和经营者,逐渐将紫砂推进一个崭新的阶段.其远非常重视紫砂技术队伍的梯队建设,开展初级,中级,高级技术培训,著意培养技术中坚,使一大批技术骨干得到晋升.开设特艺斑,由顾景舟任技术总辅导,学习自制古壶名作,亲自上课传统造型分析,探讨展示创作新品进行主评解,, 同时广泛开展紫砂陶艺界和书画文学艺术界,其他工艺美术行业名家的交流活动,聘请院专家教授与紫砂陶人合作,共同切磋,使紫砂技艺达到新境地.1982年在北京故宫端门举办宜兴紫砂陶 报展览”得到充分 示.其一生酷爱陶艺热爱于美术设计,游注意观察周围事物,在繁忙的企业管理工作之作,设计了<<卧虎壶>>,<<追月壶>>均获成功.1985年去江西景德镇陶瓷院讲课与杨水善,张守智,韩美林,邓白,庄稼等著名专家一起开课,计讲授紫砂陶器皿造型受到极大的欢迎.1985年12月,为维修隧道窑日夜忙碌,天气 冷大雪,身患重感冒仍到厂值班召开技术人员会议,因过度劳累,心肌炎复发,12月不幸逝世.全国各地陶艺界的唁电如雪片,送葬那天二百多人的队伍连绵不绝

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